Pre-shipment Inspection

Best Quality Inspection Services

Pre-shipment inspection (PSI)

Identify quality issues before shipment and avoid paying for defective goods with onsite inspections conducted by a trusted third party and your production order has been completed correctly.


From us$199

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After production is completed, a pre shipment inspection can be done to verify that the goods being shipped have been manufactured according to customer requirements. This is the most common service ordered, and works well with suppliers you have previous experience.

What’s BQIS pre-shipment inspection?

Pre-Shipment Inspection (PSI) is an essential element of supply chain management. PSI is also referred to as a Final Random Inspection (FRI). This inspection takes place at the end of the production process when 80% to 100% of the goods are manufactured and packed for export.

BQIS inspectors visit your vendor’s site to conduct a physical inspection of goods on a randomly selected sample of manufactured products using the statistical ANSI/ASQ Standard Z.1.4-2008 sampling standard.

BQIS can arrange a Pre-Shipment Inspection in Asia within 48 hours and release your inspection report of inspection within less than 24 hours.

Why pre-shipment inspection?

The risks associated with poor quality products are also high. You may only have one shot at winning over today’s discerning consumer. In the hyper-competitive consumer products market, if your product doesn’t meet their quality expectations or is defective, it’s likely they’ll simply turn to your competitor next time.

A pre-shipment inspection provides peace of mind that your order has been filled successfully before it’s dispatched.

– Ensure that your supplier has met all agreed-upon specifications
– Verify quality standards with off-the-shelf checklists or with your own unique checks
– Check that production is on track
– Take corrective action before it’s too late
– Avoid returns and protect your brand’s image
– Verify final product quality when you cannot access the factory yourself

You can use a pre-shipment inspection to verify quality at the source and to avoid paying for defective products. Don’t rely on your factory to tell you the product meets all specifications, check for yourself.

Same Day Inspection

To stay in control of your time-to-market you can book this exclusive Best Quality Inspection Services (BQIS). It allows you to order a PSI as late as 08:00* am on the day of the inspection, an inspector will be dispatched immediately, and you will receive your inspection report on that same day**, before 10 pm.

*Based on Bangladesh Standard Time, for every categories product in Bangladesh .

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